We offer solutions for spatial projects and are active in real estate activities.
Our core activity is the advisory, coordination and development of spatial projects. We are involved in the entire development project and offer our clients strategic advise on all involved processes. Furthermore we are active in the execution of new developments as well as renovation projects.
Moreover we are active in sale, purchase and rental services for real estate projects and real estate related businesses, with a specialized focus on hotels, hospitality real estate, restaurants/bars/cafes and also land plots. Most of our offerings are provided off market as per our clients' requirements, although we also list some available projects on this website.
We have a very extensive network of buyers, sellers, investors, hotel and restaurant operators both nationally and internationally, which allows us to find the right matches for our offerings and successfully close transactions for our clients. Please contact us for your specific buying or selling requirements to see how we can help.

Hotels are in high demand for investors at the moment. The hotel property asset class has matured and stabilized to an extent that both insitutional and private investors are keen to add them to their portfolios.
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We also have properties for sale that have varied use destinations, such as housing, offices, leisure, short/long stay, and/or mixded use commercial properties. These can be new builts as well as existing properties.
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These are our current offering of restaurants, bars and cafés for sale. These are typically offered as an acquisition of the business including inventory, goodwill and a tradename, without real estate ownership.
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We also offer land for real estate development with or without licenses. For most land plots offered we already had communication with the relevant municipality for a preliminary plan for a purpose of the land.
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